SCIENCE BEHIND THE ART: Understanding the Principles of Classical Chinese Martial Arts



For our purposes, the term "structure" refers to a principle or concept. Structure may refer to either physical structure or mental structure or both simultaneously. At this point, we shall focus on physical structure. Mental structure will be discussed later.


At this point and for the purpose of this discussion, our primary interest should focus on a profound understanding of certain principles in relation to:
  • proper physical structure,
  • proper physical movement.


Proper physical structure refers to the anatomically correct alignment of the human skeletal system. In order to achieve anatomically correct alignment of the human skeletal system, we must understand the correct structure, function, and integration of:
  • the human skeletal system,
  • the joints in the human skeletal system,
  • the human musculature system,
  • the human nervous system.


Understanding the principles of proper physical structure is necessary in order to create and maintain structural integrity. Structural integrity is achieved though anatomically correct alignment of the human skeletal system. This is the first fundamental requirement for understanding the principles of proper physical movement.

Due to the anatomically integrated design of the human skeletal-muscular system, the physical structure of our body is engineered to support itself naturally and nearly effortlessly. Establishing correct alignment of the human skeletal system upon any firm foundation allows for nearly complete relaxation of all muscle tissue. This results in eliminating all unnecessary pressure and tension on the human skeletal system and its joints.

Consequently, the human body as a whole is exceptionally capable of efficiently, effectively, and nearly effortlessly balancing or generating massive amounts of pressure while remaining relaxed, flexible, and mobile. The human body is anatomically engineered to naturally perform movement efficiently, effectively, and nearly effortlessly while managing tremendous amounts of force. The key to doing so lies in proper understanding and implementation of anatomically correct alignment of the human skeletal system integrated with proper methods of executing motion.


Nothing is more fundamentally important than structure! Structure is of paramount importance! Structure is the foundation upon which all other skills are built! Without proper structure, we have essentially nothing and all our other tools or skills will be of extremely limited use.

In order to establish proper physical structure as a means of achieving our ultimate goal, we require:
  • a proper foundation,
  • correct alignment of the human skeletal system,
  • nearly complete relaxation of all muscle tissue,
  • open, flexible, and mobile joints.


Every architect or structural engineer understands the importance of erecting any structure upon a proper foundation. All else being equal, a structure anchored to a foundation of stone or concrete possesses greater structural integrity than the same structure erected on sand. As human beings and for the purpose of this dissertation, the earth serves as our foundation.

Precisely how to properly anchor our physical structure to a foundation will be discussed, in detail, later. First, we must discover how to establish a proper physical structure. Then we shall discover how to properly anchor it.


With a profound understanding concerning these fundamental principles of structure, we can proceed toward learning about the proper anatomical structure and function of our physical structural framework.

   John Connor: You know what you're doing?
The Terminator: I have detailed files on human anatomy.
  Sarah Connor: I'll bet. Makes you a more efficient killer, right?
The Terminator: Correct.

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