SCIENCE BEHIND THE ART: Understanding the Principles of Classical Chinese Martial Arts



Typically, difficulty in learning to master a new physical skill arises from using our conscious thought to force our body into some precise and unfamiliar position or movement. We use thought in an attempt to control our musculature in an effort to force our structural framework to move in some precise manner. This is the entire root of the problem.

How many times have we heard a teacher instruct the student, "Relax. You're trying too hard. Let it come naturally."? The genuine message is to relax the the body and calm the mind. Cease focusing thought and attention on the attempt to control and force movement or technical form. Simply allow the body perform the movement without interference of willful thought from the conscious mind. The body knows how to move, if we just let it. Have faith and trust in that.

When we finally manage to let go of mental control, we stop trying to force artificial and unnatural execution of movement. We get out of our own way and let the body naturally and automatically do that which it already knows how to do. We stop trying and begin doing. Rather than forcing it to happen, we effortlessly allow it to happen.


In Daoist philosophy, this principle is commonly known as "wuwei" (無為). Wuwei expresses the concept of non-interference. The idea is to naturally perform "action without effort, control, or force", or "effortless doing". The goal being to naturally accomplish every task without struggle, conflict, excessive effort, or unnecessary willful interference.


The key to implementing this principle is a profound understanding of the application of our will through conscious intent which causes the physical action to occur. We express our will by simply holding in our mind conscious intent. It is our intent to accomplish some specific goal or perform some precise movement. Intent is the only thought we need to hold, nothing more.


At this point our body will naturally perform whatever movement is necessary to accomplish the goal of our intent and thereby physically manifests our will through action. The body knows how to move naturally, efficiently, effectively, and effortlessly. Simply get out of the way and allow it to do so.

Our body requires only the instruction of intent, nothing more. Our body does not require precise, detailed, step-by-step instructions. Our body does not need to be micromanaged by conscious control in order to function naturally and properly.


A profound understanding of wuwei is imperative to achieving proper physical structure and movement. Furthermore, it is the foundation of proper mental structure. In fact, wuwei embodies the complete fundamental core principles of our ultimate goal. It is the key to unlocking the mystery of precisely how a physically insubstantial person can effortlessly defeat a physically substantial adversary.

In the next step on our journey of discovery, we shall learn to apply the principle of an anatomically correct arched vertebral bridge to our physical structure. Then we shall explore methods of testing and correcting any defect in our execution of that structure.

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